Tuesday 4 May 2010

Next public meeting: 11th May 2010, 7 pm, St Michael's Church Hall

Contraplan Meeting – Decision Time

Edinburgh Councillors will shortly be taking a decision on the future of the Flower Colonies Area. As part of our efforts to influence their decision, we wish to publicise an alternative plan for the area.

You are invited to St Michael’s Church Hall, Slateford Road on Tuesday 11th May at 7pm to see the results of our work on the Community’s Contraplan, our proposals for the old community equipment store site at 1, Slateford Road as an alternative to the AMA plans. This is your opportunity to have your say, and to help take a decision on what will be released to the wider world. Following your decision, we aim to release the plans to the media within the next few days.

Duncan Whatmore, architect, and Ross McEwan and Shaeron Averbuch of JUMP will present several options for the site based on your input from the community discussions and workshops we have held so far. They have explored a wide range of options, ranging from the traditional to the more avant-garde, but it is up to you to decide on which option(s) should be presented to the wider world as representing the community’s aspirations for site development. This meeting will not be another workshop, but there will be an opportunity to make refinements to the community’s chosen plan(s).

We hope to see you there!

The Committee, the Flower Colonies Area Residents’ Association