Sunday, 8 August 2010

Final decision to be taken on Wednesday 11/8/2010

Dear all,

Another update and it's an important one. The planning application is going to be considered by the council's Development Management Committee (the planning committee who makes the decisions) again on Wednesday 11 August at 10 am. This is very likely to be the final decision. In case you didn't see the council's report on the planning application the first time, I have attached it in Word format (view the document here).

Again, if you can spare the time for a few hours on Wednesday, I strongly encourage you to attend the planning meeting to show the councillors what a strong opposition there is to this application. As I said before, if there is a strong turnout from the community, it will make a real difference to the councillors final decision on this planning application.

Please spread the word amongst your neighbours if they are not on this email list and encourage them to come along to the meeting too.

I've been advised by the council that the meeting will commence at 10 am and members of the public are welcome to attend.  Please report to the City Chambers reception on the High Street and they will direct you to the correct meeting room. Some of the FCARA committee intend to be there and we'll report back as to whether the application was agreed to or not. 

If you want any more information on the meeting, the papers for the meeting, how to attend or anything else to do with the meeting, please email Elaine Robertson at the council at:

Best wishes

Jenny Goldsmith
Treasurer, FCARA

PS: Fingers crossed. This is it....

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