Monday, 8 March 2010

Contra-plan design meeting

The contra-plan design meeting took place on the 4th of March. About 25 participants came to St Michaels church hall to discuss their vision for the development. The evening started with Duncan Whatmore giving an update about what he, Ross and Shaeron did with all the post-it notes from the Gallery of Ideas.

Something that the previous meeting showed clearly that although there is some consensus especially about what we don't want to see on the site there are also widely differing opinions. The slide on the photo summarises what was said about student accommodation on the side. Everything from "Students, yes please" to "Students, no thank you" could be found. "Don't give them balconies" just about sums it up!

Next Kate and Nick introduced the format of the evening revealing that each table was to discuss a specific subject working with the pictures to start with.

The idea was that every table had to rate the pictures provided from 0 (I absolutely hate this) to 10 (This is what I love). This started a flurry of activity and sometimes heated discussion not least because of differences in personal taste but also because the same picture might contain a good element as well as something really hideous.

At the next stage, each table worked on a different theme using the pictures, scribbling on the plans, challenging the preconceptions of others on the tables and deriving at compromises. The subjects discussed at the different tables were "Buildings", "Movements", "Uses and Activity" and "Open Space"

How could access to the site work for pedestrians, cyclists and cars?

What kind of buildings should go where on the site?

What about uses and activities?

How can open space be used to link the new site to the existing colonies?

The very lively evening was wrapped up by 5 minute presentations at each of the tables.

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