Monday, 4 October 2010

Ideas for the objection letter against the appeal

As a follow on to my last post, here’s some more information to help you write your objection letter to the Government regarding AMA’s appeal.

Appeal report

I have learned very recently that AMA has submitted an appeal report. This is really worth looking at because you can argue against what they have said!

Here is the weblink to the report:

I have posted the link as it allows you to see all the other accompanying documents including new ones which AMA has submitted for this appeal.  These are the annexes to the report as listed at the back of the report. Annexes 2 and 14 are worth looking at, especially 2 where AMA have tried to make their case using photos and using some slightly outrageous angles!

To see these annexes, follow the link and scroll to the bottom of the webpage. You now have a choice of 4 boxes which take you to documents. ‘All’ gives all the documents available, ‘Grounds of appeal’ just takes you to the report. Pages 4 and 5 of ‘All’ may be of interest, being mostly new documents including annexes 2 and 14.

I hope that makes sense!

Why not make your case using photos as well as AMA has done? That seemed to work particularly well last time for us.

Points to make

The FCARA Committee has been advised that all the points we made before are good but it would be particularly good this time to remember to cover two things.

The first is the history of the colonies, the unique-ness of the colonies to Edinburgh’s architecture and their role in providing affordable homes with gardens for key workers in the city. If anyone wants more info on the history, please contact me but its better if you express it in your own words.

The second thing that you should cover is the building materials. Talk about how AMA has gone for building materials that are completely inappropriate for the setting. For example, gigantic walls of glass and pre-cast concrete, etc. These are all made worse by an unsympathetic design and height.


Finally, I am seeking a few willing volunteers to post leaflets through members’ doors. Probably we’ll be posting on Tuesday evening. I want to make sure everyone in the flower colonies area has the information I have sent you in these emails.

Hope that helps you all. Please do send your objections again; it shows the high level of concern if many people write and really does help.

Best wishes

Jenny Goldsmith

Friday, 1 October 2010

Appeal by the developer

Hi everyone

Some important news - AMA has appealed the decision made by the council on their planning application for hideous flats on 1 Slateford Road.  

You'll recall that the council threw out the planning application so we won that battle. Unfortunately AMA can make an appeal to the Scottish Government's planning directorate. 

The Government officials will be sent all the objections that everyone has sent before (unless you've marked it as confidential).

If you objected to the planning application (hopefully you did!), you should receive a letter from the council about it. As usual, the stuff the council sends is rather confusing so I've phoned them so I can translate it for you.

As well as your previous objection letters, the Government will consider any new representations that you would like to make. You have got 14 days from when you receive your letter from the council to make these new objections. So, if you get your letter today, your deadline is 14 October.  So, if you want to extend your arguments, make new points, re-affirm what you said before, then this is an opportunity for you to do so.  Please take that opportunity!

Send your new letters to the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals, 4 The Courtyard, Callendar Business Park, Falkirk (Tel: 01324 696 400), Remember, we are corresponding with the Government on this one and not the council,

Hope that helps. The FCARA Committee will keep you posted of any developments.

Jenny Goldsmith
Treasurer, Flower Colonies Area Residents' Association